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Hey Coach!
How should I deal with catty coworkers?

Are they being catty or bullying? There’s a fine line between the two. Petty gossiping is a mild form of bullying that’s common in the workplace. Steer conversations away from these topics and make it very clear that you want no part of talk that involves putting others down.

After all, it’s only a matter of time before you become the focus of their barbs. Their behaviour comes out of insecurity and low self-esteem. They step on others to make themselves feel good about themselves. If workplace chatter becomes toxic consider bringing the matter to the attention of HR or management.

Bullying is defined as repeated mistreatment of employees that takes the form of offensive conduct, verbal or physical abuse, threatening behaviour, humiliation, intimidation, or other behaviours that prevent you from getting your job done, including sabotage.

If you are a victim of bullying, document events and dates and take the issue to HR or management. If you get no response, go to your employee assistance plan. Bullying results in a risk to health, poor morale, high turnover, litigation and worker’s compensation,so employers do take an interest when it comes up. Remember, it is better to deal with bullying head on than to become a victim of it. jp