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Starting a new job can be exciting, thrilling, and give you a boost of confidence, but it can also leave you a nervous wreck. We’ve all been there before: you wake up at 2 a.m. on your first day of work, doused in sweat and wracked with worry. What if you mess up on your first day? What if you don’t know how to do what you were hired for? What if—gasp—you trip on your way to the lunchroom and fall face first in front of everyone? 

Maybe you’ve been out of the workforce for awhile. Maybe you’ve recently switched professions. Or maybe this is your first-ever job. Whatever the reason, at some point in life everyone experiences a degree of anxiety regarding their first day of work. Here are some useful tips to make your transition easier.

Tip #1: Do your homework.

Find out as much background information about the company, organization, or department before your first day. In particular, learn their vision, mission statement and, if you can, find an organizational chart. This will tell you the company values and their goals (and who’s in charge of what). 

Tip #2: Be prepared.

The night before your first day, make sure everything is laid out for the next morning. Pack your lunch, press your clothes, and set the timer on the coffee maker. Making sure you’re ready beforehand will make the morning run much smoother, and will make mishaps less likely to occur.

Tip #3: Breathe.

Before you walk into the office on your first day, take a moment to yourself. Count to ten, take deep breaths, or do whatever you can to calm yourself down. 

Tip #4: Be confident in your skills.

Remember that you were hired for a reason. Expect not to know everything in your first few weeks, let alone on your first day, but keep in mind that you were chosen as the best candidate for the position. You’ve already proven you’ve got what it takes—now all you have to do is live up to your potential. 

Tip #5: Ask for help.

This is probably the biggest tip that I can give you. If you need help with an assignment or clarification on a task, ask for it. It’s better to ask upfront than to walk away unsure of what you’re expected to do.

On your first day of work, keep these tips in mind and you’re sure to have a smooth transition into your new role.