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Josiane Hachem, Recruitment Manager at Nestl├® Canada discusses how candidates should prepare to answer behaviour-based questions.Tell us about a time when you challenged the status quo and were able to implement a change to improve a standardized process.At Nestl├® Canada Inc., we work in a fast paced environment that requires agility and the ability to adapt quickly. Individuals who have shown success within our company are those who generate ideas and challenge the way things are done. To move business forward, we expect our employees to continue to bring new ideas and process improvements to the table. Business becomes stale if we are not thinking and moving forward.When we ask candidates to Tell us about a time when they have challenged the status quo, we are looking for candidates to provide a specific example from their work, school, or personal experiences that demonstrates their ability to identify an opportunity for improvement. This shows that the individual is questioning a process that could be enhanced, changed, or revised to increase efficiencies. We also look to identify individuals who are willing to take risks and constructively challenge the why and ask thewhy not.We want to hear responses that describe how candidates were able to implement the suggested change to improve the process. The more detailed the response, the easier it is to fully understand the steps taken to implement the suggested change, the measurements used to identify the improvement, the organizational capabilities that were required to reach the end goal, and any cost implications. It is also important to hear from the candidate's response: What was the identified area of opportunity that you questioned? What was your role in coming up with the process improvement? Did you face any challenges in presenting your new idea? And if you could change anything in how you went about implementing the change, what would you do?We expect candidates to come prepared to answer behavioural-based questions as it is a reflection of how they've dealt with similar situations in previous experience.