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Final Year Shows, Grows, and Woes is a series of articles aimed at helping students make the most of their last year at post-secondary.
Whether you're working towards your undergrad or pursuing grad school, your final year shouldn't be all about buckling down on that job search or spending every waking moment on your thesis.
Make time to participate in all the fun stuff going on at your university or college because you'll soon be kicked out of the cozy academic life, and onto the curb of the real world sooner than you expect! Your school's campus or student life office is the place to go if you're looking for activities to take part in during those final months of post-secondary.
With graduation quickly approaching many schools and organizations within them host a variety of events to celebrate with the recent graduates and their families.
 Shannon Sterling, one of the University of British Columbia's student development officers, says some student societies and departments throw graduation parties for their specific cohorts.
At Carleton University, graduating students are invited to attend the Raven's Gala, a reception that had its debut last year. William Johnson, the student development and first year experience coordinator, says its purpose is to commemorate the achievements of the graduating class and prepare them to be received as members of the Carleton University Alumni Association.
Johnson also points out that the event is cheap at only $10 a ticket. There are speeches by the student association president, the Campus Activity Board president, speeches by the Carleton University Alumni Association, noting that just senior students, some staff, and some alumni are in attendance.
These events are a great way to celebrate the conclusion of your semester or degree as well as relax and unwind with friends and classmates.
 Many schools such as the University of Guelph-Humber, Laurentian University, and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology all host similar formal and semi-formal events for all students including the graduating class.
Carleton's Campus Activity Board develops, promotes, and executes a wide-range of events and activities that appeal to variety student interests and communities, says Johnson. These events include comedians, movie nights, open mike nights, game show evenings, and more.
The group of students on the board are advised by staff members when planning exciting events that those attending the university can participate in.
At UBC, the Alma Mater Society (AMS) hosts a variety of events to keep their students occupied throughout the year. According to their website: we believe that there is life at university beyond classrooms and the library. Our job is to create the play that must come with'and we take it very seriously!
The AMS Welcome Back BBQ and AMS Block Party are just two events that take place at the start and end of each year, says Jamil Rhajiak, the communications coordinator at UBC.
Concerts and other types of shows held on university and college campuses are also very common and another great way to get in a few more hours of entertainment between pesky assignments at cheaper prices.
Woo Kim, a student development officer at UBC, says there are a number of shows and productions put on by students taking place all year.
A UBC student production of The Vagina Monologues usually takes place in February at [the] Freddy Wood Theatre, she says.
Keep in mind her final words of advice: Take the time to enjoy and take advantage of your last year. It's easy to overlook all the great moments when you're worried about what you'll do after graduation. Celebrate what you've accomplished; take advantage of the support and resources available to you now.
[Image: Margan Zajdowicz]