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You nailed the interview and you were offered the job, but now you're nervous about how you'll fit in with the team.

To help ease your worries, here are some tips that will help you make the right connections with your colleagues.

Introduce yourself

When you get to work on your first day and go straight to your assigned office space, how will you make that initial connection with your colleagues? It's important to put the effort into introducing yourself rather than your colleagues making the first move. It's all part of making an excellent first impression.

According to a business guide provided by the Queensland Government, ensure you sell yourself confidently. Your colleagues want to get to know you!

Communication is key

You're going to be surrounding and working with the same people for as long as you're at your new job. Speak up and don't hesitate to converse with one another because, like you, they were once new hires. The more communication, the more comfortable you'll be.

Get to know the rest of your colleagues on a personal level. This will help better your working relationship with your colleagues. In an article in Forbes, they recommend you socialize with your colleagues inside and outside of the office, whether you're on a 15-minute coffee break or have a question about the project you're working on.

Show initiative

When you work hard and go the extra mile, it will be recognized. This will show your colleagues that you are a valuable asset to the job. Go beyond your job description: show off your creativity and speak up. You mentioned in your interview that you're a hard worker, so prove it!

Be a team player

As much as you could be doing independent tasks, you won't always be working alone. At times, you'll have to rely on a team to get the job done. Be a team player, listen, and share your ideas with your colleagues. This shows them that they're able to trust you and that you're also willing to help.

Photo: AndreyPopov/Thinkstock